time-dependent Schrodinger equation

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  1. The single atom emission spectrum was obtained by solving numerically the time-dependent Schrodinger equation of two-level atom under strong laser field.
  2. By solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation with a one-dimensional short range potential, the effect of initial population on the high harmonics generation was studied.
  3. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation of realistic hydrogen atom in intense laser field and static electric field is solved by split-operator method, and the abnormal behaviors of high-order harmonic generation ( HHG) in intense laser field is investigated, which is caused by a static electric field.
  4. We performed extensive computer simulations on the CEPD effect on photoionization of hydrogen atom by numerically solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation.
  5. In the study of 1D quantum nonlinear lattices, especially in the study of dynamics, it is unavoidable to solve the many-body time-dependent Schrodinger equation.
  6. We solve time-dependent Schrodinger equation of one-dimensional atom in intense laser field with pseudospectral method by introducing nonlinear space transformation.
  7. Considering the time-dependent generator coordinate method, the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for nuclear collective motions is obtained.
  8. The standard method solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation is seriously restricted, by which the computational efforts scale exponentially with the number of degrees of freedom.
  9. In chapter 4, we study the quantum resonant tunneling in supermolecular magnetic cluster [ Mn_4]_2system by means of the numerically exact solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation.
  10. The general time-dependent SchrOdinger equation with external perturbance needs to be resolved through Lie group decompositions.
  11. The ionization probability and high-order harmonic spectrum of hydrogen atom under different laser pulse are computed by solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation of hydrogen atom in a intense laser field, in which an algorithm of split-operator is quoted.
  12. In this thesis, we propose a fully discrete scheme by using the artificial boundary technique for one-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation on unbounded domain, and give its theoretical analysis.
  13. Quantum trajectories were calculated through wave function by a numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. The probability density functions and quan-tum trajectories representing electron diffraction in real space were obtained from the calculation.